How to Vote?

At this time Voting is not active on Valatic. However you can still vote to help keep Valatic high on the list and to help promote our community.

You can vote for our server every day for rewards! You do not have to be online to vote. You can vote on any of the websites listed here.

You can submit a vote every 24 hours! Voting helps our server grow by ranking it higher on server lists. The more votes we receive each month, the higher ranking we get on it. We also run ads on our vote links which helps support us!

I voted but did not receive my reward?

If you voted and did not receive your reward and are a bedrock client player. Please make sure you put an underscore in front of your username as it appears on the scoreboard in-game on Valatic. For example if Justabluejay was a bedrock player, they would need to type in _Justabluejay

If you typed your username correctly and still did not get your reward, please contact support.

Last updated