In Game Commands
Commands for Each Server in Valatic
Server wide commands
/server lobby - Go to Server Lobby
/server earth - Go to EarthSMP Server
/server prison - Go to Prison Server
/server oneblock - Go to OneBlock Server
/event join - Join Event
/event leave - Leave Event
/event host - Host Event
General Commands
/keys - shows how many keys are in your virutal key chain
/spawners - shows what spawners you have recieved
/msg (player name) [message] - send private message to player
/r - reply to last private message recieved
/map - shows our EarthSMP Map
/rules - Shows menu with server rules
/discord - shows link for the Valatic Discord
/store - shows link for the Valatic Store
/kit (starter/member/vip/mvp/pro/myth/elite/legend/hero) - Claim kit for the rank you currently have. 6 day cool down.
/spawn - return to spawn
/rtp - Random Teleport. There is a cooldown for this command
/warp - opens the warp menu for Nether, End, Resource World, etc.
/warp (northameric/southamerica/europe/asia/africa/australia/antartica) - continent warps
/warp pvp - PVP and Envoy Warp
/warp envoy - PvP and Envoy Warp
/warp marketplace - Marketplace Warp
/warp shop - Marketplace Warp
/warp dp - drop party warp
/tpa (player name) - ask to teleport to someone
/tpahere (player name) - ask a player to teleport to you
/tpaccept - accept a teleport request
/tpdeny - deny a teleport request
/back - takes you back to previous location ( not from spawn )
Claim Commands
/claim (radius) - use to make a claim with a minimum radius of 5
/expandclaim (number of blocks) - use to expand claim by number of blocks you chose while looking in direction you wish to expand toward
/subdivideclaims - switches shovel to subdivide claim mode
/restrictsubclaim - restricts the subclaim so it inherits no permissions from the parent claim.
Subdivided claims can be removed when you are standing in the subclaim and use /unclaim. Permissions in a subclaim can be changed when you are standing in the subclaim you want to change permissions in.
/basicclaims - switches shovel to regular claim mode
/abandonclaim - removes your claim you are standing in
/abandonallclaims - removes all your claims
/unclaim - removes your claim you are standing in
/containertrust (player name) or /ct (player name) - gives container access to players on your claim
/accesstrust (player name) or /at (player name) - Gives players permission to use buttons, doors, levers, trapdoors on your claim
/trust (playername) or /t (player name) - allows players to place and break blocks on your claim
/permissiontrust (player name) - gives a player permission to share their permission level with others
/untrust (player name) or /ut (player name) - removes permissions from specified player. Standing in claim will remove for that claim. standing outside of claims will remove for all claims.
/untrust all or /ut all - removes permissions from all players. Standing in claim will remove for that claim. standing outside of claims will remove for all claims.
/claimexplosions - use to toggle on or off explosion protection on your claim
Home and Player Warps
Home Commands
/home - shows all your current homes OR if you have one home set it will take you to your home
/home (home name) - will take to that home
/sethome (home name) - makes a home with that name where you are standing
/delhome (home name) - removes home with that name
Player Warp Commands
/pw help - lists commands and what they do
/pw amount - shows how many warps you have and the max you can make
/pw - opens player warp menu
/pw (warp name) - go to that player warp
/pw set (warp name) - creates player warp where you are standing
/pw reset (warp name) - moves the warp to where you are standing
/pw rename (warp name) (new warp name)
/pw icon set/remove (warp name) {held item} - will set the icon for warp to the item held
/pw remove (warp name) - removes the named player warp
/pw desc set (warp name) [description 50char max] - sets the description for the player warp
/pw desc remove (warp name) - remove the description for the player warp/ms
/pw rate (warp name) [1 - 5] - rates a player warp on 1 to 5 stars
/pw ban set (warp name) (player name) [how long] [reason] - Bans Player from specific warp for specified length of time and for specified reason.
/pw ban remove (warp name) (player name) - Unbans player from specific warp
/pw ban list (warp name) -shows ban list for specific warp
General Economy
/pay (player name) (amount) - pays player specified amount of money
/givepet (player name) - transfers ownership of pet you are looking at to specified player
Auction House
/ah - opens auction house while in spawn
/ah sell (price) [item held in hand] - places the item held in your hand on the auction house for the price specified while in spawn
/ah history - shows your auction house transaction history
Chest Shops
Only usable if you own a plot in Marketplace
/qs create (price) - creates a chest shop selling item being held while looking at chest
/qs remove - removes chest shop you are looking at
/qs price (new price) - changes the price of item while looking at chest shop
/qs item - changes item sold to the item being held while looking at chest shop
/qs sell - sets shop mode to sell while looking at chest shop
/qs buy - sets shop mode to buy while looking at chest shop
/qs staff add (player name) - add player to shop you are looking at
/qs staff remove (player name) - remove player from shop you are looking at
/qs staff clear - remove all staff from chest shop you are looking at
/qs staff list (player name) - allows you to manage staff for your shop while looking at the chest shop you wish to change
You can hit a chest with an item you wish to sell and type the amount in chat and hit enter. This will create a chest shop. You can use double chests to sell and buy items with one end being set to sell and the other end being set to buy.
/fish menu - opens fishing menu
/fish stats - show your fishing stats
/fish shop - opens menu to sell fish
You can crouch and right click with your fishing pole to open the munu too!
/mcmmo:mccooldown - shows your skill cooldown status
/mcmmo:stats - shows your current level in your skills
/mcmmo:mcnotify - toggles skill notifications
/mcmmo:inspect (player name) - See another players MCMMO Stats but must be near them.
/mcmmo (skill name) or /(skill name) - acrobatics, alchemy, archery, axes, excavation, fishing, herbalism, mining, salvage, smelting, repair, taming, swords, unarmed
Party Commands
/party ? - list party commands
/partychat or /pc - party chat
/ptp (party member name) - teleport request to party member
/party teleport (accept/acceptall/acceptany/toggle) - sets setting for party teleport
/party create (name) (password) - create party and set name and password
/party join (player name) (password) - joing players party
/party accept - accept invite to a party
/party quit - leave your party
/party lock/unlock - lock or unlock party
/party kick (player name) - Remove player from party
/party password (password) - set password for your party
/party leader (player name) - transfer party ownership
/party disband - disband party
/party itemshare (equal/herbalism/loot/mining/misc/none/random/woodcutting) - share items with party
/party xpshare (equal/none) - share xp with party
Guild Commands
/guild help - List of commands for guild
/guild create (guild name) - create guild with that name
/guild delete - deletes your guild
/guild transfer (player name) - transfer ownership of guild to specified player
/guild prefix (prefix) - change or set your guild prefix
/guild rename (name) - changes guild name
/guild status - Toggles public or private status
/guild info - brings up status gui for your guild
/guild motd - see the guild message of the day
/guild motd set [message] - set guild message of the day
/guild motd remove - remove the guild message of the day
/guild upgrade - levels up your guild
/guild confirm - Confirm prompt for guild commands
/guild cancel - Cancel prompt for guild commands
/guild bank deposit (amount) - deposit money in guild bank
/guild bank withdraw (amount) - withdraw money from guild bank
/guild bank balance - check how much money is in guild bank
/guild vault - opens guild vault
/guild sethome - create guild home where you are standing
/guild delhome - delete guild home
/guild home - go to guild home
/guild request (guild name) - request to join a guild
/guild invite (player name) - invite player to guild
/guild accept - accept invite to join guild
/guild leave - leave guild
/guild boot (player name) - remove player from guild
/guild promote (player name) - promote a player in your guild
/guild demote (player name) - demote a player in your guild
/guild chat - guild chat command
/guild ac - toggles guild ally chat
/guild ally add (guild) - add guild ally
/guild ally decline (guild) - decline guild ally invite
/guild ally remove (guild) - remove guild ally
/guild ally list - list of allied guilds
General Commands
/help - general information on how to play the gamemode.
/msg (player name) [message] - send private message to player
/r - reply to last private message recieved
/rankup - with the proper money, this command allows you to rank up to the next rank.
/ranks - opens a GUI with all the rank information.
/stuck - TPs you to spawn within 5 minute back to spawn.
/kit starter - Claim a starter kit. 6 day cooldown.
/kit (thug/criminal/hustler/gangster/warden/mastermind) - Claim your Premium rank. Only the current rank you have can be claimed. 6 day cool down.
/prestige - rewards accessible after reaching Inmate V.
/spawn - Teleports/ki you to spawn. This command is only accessible in plot world.
/store - opens Valatic store link
/discord - opens Valatic Discord link
/rules - opens Valatic Rules link
Auction House
/ah - opens the auction house gui
/ah sell (price) - to sell held item on auction house for the set price
Chest Shops
On prison, chest shops only work in Plot World.
/qs create (price) - creates a chest shop selling item being held while looking at chest
/qs remove - removes chest shop you are looking at
/qs price (new price) - changes the price of item while looking at chest shop
/qs item - changes item sold to the item being held while looking at chest shop
/qs sell - sets shop mode to sell while looking at chest shop
/qs buy - sets shop mode to buy while looking at chest shop
/qs staff add (player name) - add player to shop you are looking at
/qs staff remove (player name) - remove player from shop you are looking at
/qs staff clear - remove all staff from chest shop you are looking at
/qs staff list (player name) - allows you to manage staff for your shop while looking at the chest shop you wish to change
You can hit a chest with an item you wish to sell and type the amount in chat and hit enter. This will create a chest shop. You can use double chests to sell and buy item with one end being set to sell and the other end being set to buy.
/plots help - Shows commands for plots.
/plots claim - Will claim available plot you are standing in
/plots auto - Will claim closest random available plot to you
/plots add (player name) - Allow a player to build in a plot while owner is online
/plots trust (player name) - Allow a player to build in plot when owner is not online
/plots remove (player name) - Removes a player from the owners plot
/arm help - Commands for cells.
/arm gui - opens Menu for your Cell
/arm addmember (player name) - gives a player permission to access your cell.
/arm removemember (player name) - Removes a player from your cell
General Commands
/spawn - transports you to spawnwa
/discord - opens link for our discord
/rules - Opens link or gui for rules
/store - open link for valatic store
/playtime - View your playtime and claim playtime rewards
/guide - View the one block Island Guide
/helpmenu - View the one block Island Guide
/help - View the one block Island Guide
/msg (player name) [message] - send private message to player
/r - reply to last private message recieved
/spawn - Teleport to Spawn
/warp envoy - Pvp and Envoy event warp
/ob - Teleport to your Oneblock Island
/ob visit (player name) - Visit another player's OneBlock Island
Player Warp
/pw (warp name) - Visit player warp
/pw - View a list of player warps
/pw list - View a list of player warps
/pw (warp name) - Teleport to a player warp
/pw set (warp name) - Create a player warp
/pw remove (warp name) - Remove a player warp
/tpa (player name) - request to teleport to another player
/tpahere (player name) - request player to teleport to you
/tpaccept - accept teleport request
/tpadeny - deny teleport request
General Economy
/shop - opens game mode shop
/sell hand - sell what you are holding
/sell handall - sells all of what you are holding from your inventory
Auction House
/ah - opens auction house
/ah sell (price) [item held in hand] - places the item held in your hand on the auction house for the price specified
/ah history - shows your auction house transaction history
Chest Shop
Only usable if you own a plot in Marketplace
/qs create (price) - creates a chest shop selling item being held while looking at chest
/qs remove - removes chest shop you are looking at
/qs price (new price) - changes the price of item while looking at chest shop
/qs item - changes item sold to the item being held while looking at chest shop
/qs sell - sets shop mode to sell while looking at chest shop
/qs buy - sets shop mode to buy while looking at chest shop
/qs staff add (player name) - add player to shop you are looking at
/qs staff remove (player name) - remove player from shop you are looking at
/qs staff clear - remove all staff from chest shop you are looking at
/qs staff list (player name) - allows you to manage staff for your shop while looking at the chest shop you wish to change
You can hit a chest with an item you wish to sell and type the amount in chat and hit enter. This will create a chest shop. You can use double chests to sell and buy items.
Island Commands
/ob - Return to your one block island
/ob sethome - Set the location you spawn when entering your island
/ob visit configure - View and edit visitation settings for your one block island
/ob visit setlocation - Set the location visitors to your island will spawn
/ob ban (player name) - Ban a player from your one block island
/ob unban (player name) - Unban player from your island
/ob banlist - list of players banned from your island
/ob level - Check your level and update level in chat
/ob count - View the amount of blocks you’ve broken
/ob phases - View available phases and how many blocks mined to start each. Also change phase depending on rank
/ob value - View the value added to your island level by each block
/ob settings - View and edit settings for your one block island
/ob top - View the top 10 one block islands
/ob info - View the info for your one block island
One Block Team Commands
/ob team - View your current one block team list
/ob team invite [player name] - Invite a player to abandon their own island and join your one block island
/ob team accept - Accept a team invite and lose your island to join another player’s
/ob team reject - Reject a team invite
/ob team trust (player name) - Give a player Trust level permissions
/ob team untrust (player name) - Remove Trust level permissions from a player
/ob team coop (player name) - Give a player Coop level permissions
/ob team uncoop (player name) - Remove Coop level permissions from a player
/ob team promote (player name) - Move a player up to the next level of permissions
/ob team demote(player name) - Move a player to the previous level of permissions
Party Commands
/party ? - list party commands
/partychat or /pc - party chat
/ptp (party member name) - teleport request to party member
/party teleport accept/acceptall/acceptany/toggle - sets setting for party teleport
/party create (name) (password) - create party and set name and password
/party join (player name) (password) - joing players party
/party accept - accept invite to a party
/party quit - leave your party
/party lock/unlock - lock or unlock party
/party kick (player name) - Remove player from party
/party password (password) - set password for your party
/party leader (player name) - transfer party ownership
/party disband - disband party
/party itemshare equal/herbalism/loot/mining/misc/none/random/woodcutting - share items with party
/party xpshare equal/none - share xp with party
Fishing Commands
/fish menu - View the fishing menu
/fish scales - Open the fish scales to weigh fish
/fish shop - open the fish shop to sell fish
/mcmmo:mccooldown - shows your skill cooldown status
/mcmmo:stats - shows your current level in your skills
/mcmmo:mcnotify - toggles skill notifications
/mcmmo:inspect (player name) - See another players MCMMO Stats but must be near them.
/mcmmo (skill name) or /(skill name) - acrobatics, alchemy, archery, axes, excavation, fishing, herbalism, mining, salvage, smelting, repair, taming, swords, unarmed
Faction Member Commands
( )
/f join <faction>
: Join a faction./f leave
: Leave your faction./f chat <mode>
: Toggle chat modes (public, alliance, faction, truce)./f home
: Teleport to your faction's home./f money balance
: Check your faction's balance./f money deposit <amount>
: Deposit money into the faction bank./f money withdraw <amount>
: Withdraw money from the faction bank./f tnt deposit <amount>
: Deposit TNT into the faction's TNT bank./f tnt withdraw <amount>
: Withdraw TNT from the faction's TNT bank./f tnt fill <radius> <amount>
: Fill nearby dispensers with TNT from the faction's bank./f coords
: Send faction members your current position./f top
: List top factions/f autohelp
: Show help for all commands./f show <faction>
: Show info about a Faction. Default is yours.
Faction Moderator and Member Management Commands
( )
/f create <faction>
: Create a faction./f disband
: Disband your faction./f sethome
: Set your faction's home./f delhome <faction>
: Delete your faction's home./f invite <player
>: Invite a player to your faction./f deinvite <player>
: Revoke an invite from a player./f kick <player>
: Kick a player from the faction./f ban <player>
: Ban a player from the faction./f unban <player>
: Unban a player from the faction./f banlist
: List players banned from the faction./f tag <tag>
: Change your faction's tag./f desc <description>
: Set your faction's description./f setwarp <warpname> [password]
: Set a warp with an optional password./f delwarp <warpname>
: Delete a warp./f perms
: Manage permissions for your faction./f defaultrole <role>
: Set the default role for new members./f open
: Toggle allowing anyone to join the faction./f title <player> [title]
: Set a player's custom title./f promote <name>
: Promote a player by one rank./f demote <name>
: Demote a player by one rank./f mod [name]
: Promote a player to mod./f coleader [name]
: Promote a player to coleader./f admin <player>
: Set a new faction leader./f announce <message>
: Announce a message to all faction members./
f boom [on/off]
: Toggle peaceful explosions in your faction's territory./f logins
: Toggle monitoring of logins for your faction./f coords
: Send faction members your current position.
Faction Territory Commands
( )
/f claim [radius] [faction]
: Claim chunks for your faction./f unclaim [radius] [faction]
: Unclaim chunks for your faction./f autoclaim [faction]
: Toggle auto-claiming./f map [on/off]
: View the faction map./f autounclaim [faction]
: Toggle auto-unclaiming./f claimfill [amount] [faction]
: Claim blocks filling in a shape./f unclaimfill [amount] [faction]
: Unclaim all connected claims./f claimline [amount] [direction] [faction]
: Claim blocks in a line./f unclaimall
: Remove all claims in your faction.
Last updated
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